Brandworkers debuts ICE audit resistance workshop

Brandworkers debuts ICE audit resistance workshop

On September 26, 2018, Brandworkers co-hosted a workshop with the North Star Foundation called “Preparing for ICE Workplace Audits: An Organizing Approach.” Forty-five people from at least 25 organizations across the NYC metro area participated in a robust discussion of experiences and strategies to counter the Trump administration’s aggressive escalation of workplace immigration audits.

After discussing the differences between DHS ICE audits and raids, we shared 7 key steps that groups can take to proactively organize to prepare for these kinds of attacks on our communities. Many amazing groups shared their wisdom and learnings from years of organizing. Not only is it possible, but it’s critical to organize workplace and community responses to these attacks.

As Tom Cat Bakery workers continued the longest standing resistance to an ICE workplace audit in U.S history, Brandworkers will continue to catalyze a network of organizations centering the workplace as a key site of struggle against the nation’s inhumane immigration laws. Sign up for updates from Brandworkers to stay connected.
