Help Immigrant Workers Fighting an ICE Attack Survive COVID-19

Help Immigrant Workers Fighting an ICE Attack Survive COVID-19

Over the past three years, many of you have met the immigrant worker leaders of the #TomCatWorkersRising campaign: Juan, Hector, Sabino, Toñito, Elias, Tino, and Oscar. Together, they’ve waged a groundbreaking campaign modeling immigrant worker resistance against ICE and the employers that collaborate with it. They’ve shined a spotlight on the abuses of ICE I-9 audits, fought to have immigrant worker protection policies implemented at Tom Cat Bakery, and have helped train workers from all over the country building a movement for immigrant justice.

The 2017 ICE audit, and Tom Cat Bakery’s collaboration with it, has had a lasting, terrible impact on these workers. It has pushed them and their families deeper into the underground economy and made them particularly vulnerable to the pandemic that has affected us all.

These seven leaders have dire survival needs right now and are turning to you for help. 

  • Juan Nito, father, fellow worker, fighter, and leader has tragically lost his battle with COVID-19 after three weeks of hard struggle.

  • Hector is fighting COVID-19 at his home, trying not to infect his wife and two children.

  • Sabino is currently laid off and this crisis is jeopardizing his families’ basic needs in Guatemala.

  • Toñito, after being impacted by the audit, lost his father to a violent death in Mexico. He is currently laid off and struggling to provide what his family needs back home.

  • Elias, who currently serves on Brandworkers’ board of directors, lives with his brothers and father. The entire household is laid off and excluded from COVID-19 stimulus benefits.

  • Tino, the elder of the group, has long-standing medical needs and is experiencing housing insecurity. This situation forces him to risk his life reporting to a food job that is not providing adequate protection.

  • Oscar lost his post-Tom Cat job and is at risk of losing care for his son with special needs.

In the past three years, these workers experienced two pandemics: COVID-19 and ICE. Your donations will help these courageous leaders mourn the losses they’ve already sustained and support the survivors still struggling to get through the pandemic. It will also help them continue their campaign for accountability from Tom Cat Bakery. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the workers.