Victory with the fundraiser for Tom Cat Bakery campaign leaders!

With your help, we were able to raise over $20,000 in direct mutual aid funds. Thank you all for your support!

These funds will go a long way to ensure that the Tom Cat Bakery campaign worker leaders have their immediate needs met during the pandemic. The funds mean that Tino can obtain the urgent medical services that he’s delayed for months. They mean that the workers’ families get the critical support they’ve needed since Tom Cat Bakery so casually discarded them during the I-9 audit. These funds mean that workers will be able to continue their campaign for accountability from the bakery since the struggle is far from over.

Without a full commitment to worksite protections for immigrant workers at the factory, Tom Cat Bakery is free to once again collaborate with ICE in the event of any future audits or raids. Without a full commitment to a fair severance, the I-9 workers will continue to experience economic hardship during a pandemic affecting workers across the globe.

We’re counting on allies like you to get involved as workers move this campaign forward to a final resolution. Click below if you want to get involved.
