“We are fighting for the dignity, respect, and rights of all workers.”


Immigrant Workers and Allies Commemorate “Day

Without Bread” with Day of Community Action


Manhattan cafe Tisserie Agrees to Drop Tom Cat Bakery Products


New York, N.Y. —Immigrant workers and their allies carried out community delegations to prominent restaurant customers of Tom Cat Bakery on Saturday, calling on the restaurants to support the workers’ campaign for basic worker protections at the factory. The day of action commemorates the “Day without Bread” of April 21, 2017 when hundreds of community allies rallied behind Tom Cat Bakery workers as dozens were fired in the wake ofan I-9 audit at the factory.

Community delegations and educational outreach were held at Robert restaurant, Tisserie cafe, El Quinto Pino, Emily restaurant, and La Pulpería.  After hearing from workers directly, Tisserie management agreed to stop selling Tom Cat Bakery Products in support of the workers’ campaign.

Workers are calling on management to continue talks with them started last year.  Workers demand the implementation of policies to protect still-at-risk workers inside the factory, and to resolve negotiations for a fair and dignified severance for the longstanding employees displaced by the ICE audit. Tom Cat Bakery is an arm of one of the world’s largest multinational baking companies, Yamazaki Baking.

In late 2016, Tom Cat Bakery was notified that the Department of Homeland Security was conducting an investigation of the bakery. Tom Cat deliberately withheld news of the audit from affected workers until March, hindering their ability to attain proper safeguards for their families and timely legal counsel.

“For months, Tom Cat knew what was coming and they didn’t tell us.  If there was a plan in place, if they had notified us, my life would be very different today.  At least I could have prepared,” said Elias Rojas, a Brandworkers member who worked at Tom Cat Bakery for 12 years.

“We are fighting for the dignity, respect, and rights of all workers. We are the inspiration for immigrant workers not to let themselves be trampled,” said Sabino Milian, former Tom Cat worker.

Saturday’s action was featured on NY1 here: http://www.ny1noticias.com/nyc/noticias/noticias/2018/04/22/demandan-se-respeten-derechos-de-trabajadores-inmigrantes-de-panaderia-tom-cat