Our Winter Quarter Highlights
Since the late 1800s, we have celebrated May Day as a reminder of the power of workers coming together in solidarity. Each year, new efforts arise to suppress workers' rights, create dangerous workplace conditions and undermine frontline food factory workers. As we...
Our Year in Review
Happy new year from the worker-leaders, board of directors, and staff of Brandworkers! Everyone's solidarity is important for NYC-area food factory workers building their own unions with the Industrial Workers of the World. With your support in 2021: Workers at a new...
Meet Brandworkers’ new Executive Director | Conoce al nuevo Director Ejecutivo de Brandworkers
*English Below* Querida comunidad de Brandworkers, La Junta Directiva de Brandworkers se complace en anunciar excelentes noticias relacionadas con la nueva etapa de liderazgo en nuestra organización. Tras un proceso integral de búsqueda y transición, nos enorgullece...
Spring 2021 Highlights
NYC food factory workers are building power across their industry by organizing for dignified jobs. Read below for some of the highlights this spring—organizing at a new food factory, actions workers and allies took in the Tom Cat Bakery campaign for immigrant worker...
Winter 2021 Highlights
With the power of your solidarity, Brandworkers is full of hope for the struggle ahead in 2021. Your support has strengthened the organization of food factory workers building a worker-led union in the local food production industry. Here are some highlights from the past few months.
A sustainable Brandworkers ready for its next staff leader
*English below* Una comunidad sustentable lista para acoger a su nuevo líder Estimada comunidad Brandworkers, El próximo año cumpliré catorce años como fundador y director de Brandworkers. Después de obtener la aprobación de los dirigentes y miembros de nuestra...